Thursday, March 3, 2011

Quick update on closing... so far we'd been waiting and waiting for the Home Inspection.  Then I find out we need the Foreclosure Deed to finalize the mortgage package.  We are banging up against the $100 per diem and the ball is in my court. 

So late Friday I hear the seller is sending the documents over and the end is in sight (breath still held).  Monday I get an email stating my attorney's office will be contacting me to schedule the closing.  I sent a polite email reminding that I am going out of the country on Saturday without phone and email so need to close by Friday or face the per diem.  Never get a response.

I sent my pesky emails asking for status and making sure everyone had what they needed.  Nice, reassuring emails from my mortgage team (love them more and more)... they are still waiting on documents.  Um, okay.  Get an email and learn that closing is scheduled for noon on Friday.  The day before I go on vacation, in town, at noon!  Ick. 

Then Wednesday get a call that the lender flagged by file for review.  This can normally take a few extra days (that we do not have).  My mortgage team are going to do what they can but why don't I write a 'hardship letter' stating my case.  Frantically write my letter... with help from sister and friends (thanks guys!).  Send it off and find out my team worked their magic for me.  

The following day I call my Insurance Guy.  He sent me a form about the oil tank for "my local fire department" to fill out.  I told him the situataion that its being removed but bounced our BFD headquarters voicemails and ultimately drove to the fire station.  Leave a message for insurance guy.  He calls me to tell me that we need to cancel my already-paid-for insurance policy and need to get a vacant home policy. Its $1000 for three months!!!  ("Dag" does not cover this one... argh!)  But it is what it is... need to be honest and need this policy.  (Who needs a couch anyway?  Amiright?)

I was frantically calling/emailing Mortgage Guy to let him know Insurance Guy is canceling my insurance.  The insurance was a requirement for the mortgage.  So back and forth and growing headache.

Get a call from my lawyer.  He lets me know that the sellers were missing a document on their side.  So they want to bump closing until I get back... and no fee charged to me.  Sellers are apologetic (they never filed Power of Attorney... hate when I do that!)  Then three hours later talk to my realtor about closing the next day, um... they told me it was postponed.  Then talk to Mortgage Guy... he JUST heard it was postponed.  Getting bummed with this attorney.

But that is where I stand.  More waiting but at a good time.  I'll try not to spend my closing costs on cheap trinkets on vacation!  Ohh... and I got the sweetest email from my loan processor.  She said she enjoyed working with me and is excited for me.  I really need to start being more gracious!

I cannot tell you that going on a cruise ship with potential limited access to cell phone and internet could not come at a better time!  I spent my bookstore gift card and cannot wait to park my butt in the sun and read.  I did get a design magazine for inpiration... did you know those things cost $10?  DAG!

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