Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Sneak Peek

Here are some 'before' pictures to show you what I am dealing with

The floors:  The crackheads previous owners installed their own laminate floors.
See how close it is to the wall... quality work.
The paint:
I wish I knew what possessed someone to do this... actually I do not want to know what was going through their veins minds when they did this.

(shudder... its manic!)

The bathroom:
I love the color red... but redum from The Shining comes to mind here...

The kitchen:
There is not much redesign with location but we will upgrade cabinets and get rid of the tile.
 This tile is on all four walls.  Its cheap and ugly.   So we have to take the walls down to the studs and put up new drywall.
The plumbing:
The prior owners had the water turned off in 2008 due to non-payment.  The house was not foreclosed on winterized until October 2010.  At some point, several pipes in the basement burst.  Look at this fun stuff:

The heating:
The home had oil heating and the furnace original to the house and with the lack of water to the home its essentially rusted and cracked.  Even if I wanted to keep the oil heating, I'd have to redo it.  So out with the oil, in with the gas.
The porch:
I love the back porch.  Its a small mud-room porch.  The windows were broken and snow was coming in.  The de-winterization people boarded up a window.

I am excited to show the 'after' pictures!  My design inspiration is 'Beach Cottage'... so pretty much every picture you can find!

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